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Parent Education
(individual and group)

Learning parenting strategies based on proven best practice is an investment in your tw/teen's present and future. And, the earlier you start, the easier it will be during the adolescent years. My goal is to teach parents fundamental parenting strategies that, when understood and practiced, lead to a more peaceful, respectful, communicative, and effective family system.


I can help you explore these fundamentals in a self-paced private learning environment with a focus on your unique family dynamics OR in a group setting with other parents experiencing many of the same challenges. The long-term benefit of a group setting is that after the learning, you will have a richer network of parents who can support you without judgement!


The PhD in Parenting Tweens & Teens Program unites parents from a community or from all over the country to:

...improve their relationship with their tween/teen.

...become effective at reaching and maintaining limits with their tween/teen.

...learn how to create and enforce consequences that teach positive future behavior.

...communicate in a way that builds trust and openness with their tween/teen. their tween/teen own their personal responsibilities.

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PhD 6-7 Session Info Flyer.png
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Join the growing community of incredible organizations
that engage Anchored 
Parenting, LLC in continuing education:

4Front Baltimore, Baltimore, MD

BBYO Lonestar Region, TX (BBYO International)

Broward County Jewish Federation, Davie, FL
Combined Jewish Philanthropies, Boston, MA
Epstein School, Atlanta, GA

Jewish Grandparents Network, Atlanta, GA

Houston Jewish Federation, Houston, TX 
JCC Metropolitan Detroit, Detroit, MI
Jewish Family Service, Seattle, WA 

Jewish Grandparents Network

JumpSpark, Atlanta, GA
LA Jewish Teen Initiative, Los Angeles, CA
Moving Traditions, Denver, CO
Pace Academy, Atlanta, GA
Springboard, Chicago, IL

The Jewish Education Project, New York, NY

The Weber School, Atlanta, GA

Truvie: Virtual Learning Platform, New York, NY

Join our mailing list today!

Anchored Parenting, LLC​

Serving parents and caring adults, tw/teens, emerging adults, educators, and community organizations coast to coast, in-person and virtually.


Telephone: (407) 733-9088



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